

All contact is via the green button below. It's also the fastest way to find out cost, see my up-to-the minute availability (including today) and to book instantly


I'm committed to keeping my time free for your sessions, reasonable fees and an instant booking experience.

Also because I have autism... I find the endless enquires overwhelming. With 10k+ hits on my site each month, it equates to a lot of stress, hours and energy unnecessary investment. Respect this means, I will refuse to discuss anything already here. 




  • If you feel something isn't answered on the site, ask your question here
  • Call-backs can be arranged for example for reassurance - to check if I'm a real person or to see how you feel about me first; so if that's you simply put "brief reassurance call please" in the notes field of this form and just be transparent when we speak!

BUT Please don't mention what you want to know, we need to preserve the integrity of the reading




Psychic Medium, Tarot Card Clairvoyant. In-person, Buckinghamshire. Internationally via Skype. One 40 minute train from London!