Psychic Reading Fees

 * Please read what is and is not involved in your psychic reading and read the FAQ's at the bottom of the page, so you understand fully before booking




My least expensive readings are via Zoom these start from £60. 


Are my fees reasonable? You're paying for a professional not a hobbyist. Unlike many, I'm taxed, insured, have software costs.


I'm less expensive than a decent ladies hairdresser, which isn't bad going considering I'm rated in the top 2% of UK psychics. I also make myself available for long hours, 7 days a week often including evenings and weekends in order to offer you the most flexibility.


If you don't have a decent internet signal choose a phone reading.


See below for more info on the fees for each method of delivery. 





Do you need to see me, is the psychic reading just as effective delivered remotely?

Using any technology isn't a barrier, as long as it is set up correctly. However I do prefer to SEE you, (on a camera is just as good as in the same room). that way I know if I need to slow down a little when you need to take a moment... Besides, seeing you is more personable!


Why is Zoom the least expensive?

Because my automated system can deliver a Zoom link instantly, the other types I have to send manually, its just easier!


Can I pay with PayPal or Bank Transfer? 

No Sorry - both have caused me issues in the past - however please note; card payments are taken via the secure provider Stripe


Do you do shorter readings?

My shortest "remotely" delivered reading is 45 minutes. Please do not ask me to do any less. 


What is a combination?

It's a 2 hour session where you can divide the time as you wish between a readng and one of my other services - Mental Magic healing or Past Life Regression


What if I don't like the reading, can I demand a refund?

Payment is not an optional factor of the reading

You enter into a contract to pay for the time slot you book; in other words, you pay for a service based on time not results. Unlike amateurs who do this for a hobby, I have considerable expenses, including tax, insurance etc and my time also has to be paid for.


However, I pride myself on my reputation, I accept that occasionally a client may feel unhappy with the reading for various reasons. I DO have a guarantee so that if you really don't feel we have a connection, we can pause or even terminate the reading. In this situation you may be offered a PARTIAL refund (this is to be fair to both parties, as I am unable re-sell the slot or reclaim software booking fees and other expenses). Please make your feelings known as early as possible point, with tact and diplomacy. If you take more than 20 minutes of the slot you will be charged for the full time.


After the reading, if you have feedback, do let me know so we can discuss this rather than going away without saying anything. Sometimes I find there are misunderstandings or a little free extra time is required.


If you have strong negative emotions based on the news I gave you, then I'm afraid you should not have had a reading in the first place. And remember readings are deemed in law for entertainment purposes and in any case, depending on outcome,  your anxiety may not even have been warranted!



Online Psychic. Telephone Tarot Readings. Clairvoyant Readings. Phone Psychic, Buckinghamshire Clairvoyant. Bedfordshire Tarot Readings.