Tarot Card Clairvoyant

Psychic Tarot Card Clairvoyant

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Psychic Telephone Readings - Be Aware!

You only have to go onto sites such as “Net Mums” to see endless conversations about people who usually go to psychics in-person, but who (often at a time of desperation) took a gamble on one of the big company phone psychic lines. In one such conversation I read how someone had felt gullible and sucked in and that in future she would go to someone private and reputable or recommended.

What’s horrifying about the way some of telephone psychic companies operate, is the way they actually actively recruit people with little to no experience. 

Most lines don’t ever meet their staff in person, they just act as an agent and allow anyone with no testing or interviewing ever taking place to assess competence. Many of the operators don’t use their real names during your telephone tarot card reading – obvious stage names hide their identity which should always be a big red flag. 

Here’s an extract from one telephone clairvoyant blog I found

"The main thrust of the job entailed keeping clients on the phone for as long as possible. At £5 per minute, some lonely, needy or desperate person could pay a LOT of money for a chat. Too many sad sacks had racked up thousands in phone bills they would never be able to pay… The company lured callers with the promise of three free minutes, but as soon as they heard the beep, the meter started… The company also suggested that I create fake name and a persona to go with it”

One night I made a huge error of judgement myself. I should have known better
but I had been drinking red, red wine. There had been many changes in my life recently and I had become confused and what with the added element of wine in my system suddenly I decided a) a reading couldn’t wait and b) it would be the “brave” thing to do. Now I realise I was just plain stupid. Any psychic knows reading for yourself is a big no-no, after all knowledge is the biggest barrier to correct interpretation. What I should have done is waited until I was sober and gone to see someone with a proven-track record for excellent tarot or psychic medium readings. But no, I went and did it, I rang one of the big companies for my telephone psychic reading psychic and almost instantly regretted it. The company had an all singing and dancing website with the tagline “know your future today” and boasted of being the UK’s most trusted psychic service. I chose a reader from the active profiles that I could see online. It was the early hours of the morning and whilst the main line connected instantly, I then had to enter the pin for my choice, then there was a long telling wait for the clairvoyant to pick up the phone at their end – and she had clearly been sleeping. I always smile at Judge Judy on TV when she snaps “erm is not an answer” suddenly I wasn’t smiling so much because this word was being used every minute or so (and without any interruption from me). She also didn’t seem to be able to tell me anything without asking a question first and also tried to spend time offering a friendly chat rather than a reading. I probably should have applied for a refund for my psychic phone reading, but to be honest I just wrote it off as a stupid mistake I should learn from because seriously, I really should have known better. But then the fun and games really started. The company wouldn’t take their hooks out of me! I became bombarded with communications and offers including emails, a phone call and even letters and leaflets coming through the post. I was HORRIFIED! What if, for whatever reason, I had wanted to keep my reading a secret from a partner? 

One of the reasons private psychics are often blown out of the Google search water by big lines is because the big companies charge large amounts and spend tens of thousands of pounds on sites, SEO and marketing. They can be ruthless money-making machines. Also, independent psychics often aren’t always business or money minded, they may work part time or have a somewhat casual set-up - meaning that you can’t always organise a reading instantly or at short notice – something we all have become used to in today’s society. In order to serve full-time, I had to get over my fear of charging. It’s a controversial subject in spiritual circles however you have to get the balance right: sell the time not the end result, gift the empathy and go above and beyond, promote the brand not the ego and importantly yes to give – but in my case I do this via various charity donations rather than reading for just anyone for free. 

Charlie Daniels is an award-winning Sunday Times best-selling author and transformational speaker, dedicated to helping others turn their lives around like she once did herself.


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